это просто праздник какой-то (с)

May 14, 2008 23:21

The Black Tears - англоязычная форумная ролевка о... русской мафии. Нужно ли уточнять, что яойная?
В разделе Vodka's office (это наименование босса, вы не ослышались):
*Sobaka sits quietly by the office door. As usual he was in his own world. He occassionally looked up, but the most of his attention were on his body modifications. He leaned back in his chair to diddle his piercing. after getting it ou, he inspected it then ate it*
*sobaka inspects the hole remaining from the stomach piercing. he pulls a little on the skin to get a better look at the hole. He shivers n response, sickened from his perspective. who would know what he thought he was looking at. he set down his shirt so he wouldnt have to look at it and raised his view to keep look out.*
Наши корреспонденты следят за развитием событий.

Но ведь хороши, черти! Справочных материалов накопали... Живого консультанта не хватает. По проблемам отношения к яою в рядах русской мафии. :)
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