May 31, 2007 22:36

Those of you who know me are aware that I have always hated french. It is somewhat of a passion of mine to loath it as much as possible. Now, I am seriously scared that I will not pass French 3.

Not passing French you know how horrible that would be? It's a required class and I'd have to take it over again, all the while beating myself upside the head for every minute I spent in that classroom again. Not to mention the unwanted questions from friends...

"French 3? Didn't you take that LAST quarter?"

...The answer would be yes, yes I did, but I'm an IDIOT.

SIGH. The finals not even worth all that much (25%) so I'm actually relying on grades I'm not sure about yet like participation and homework. Well....I suppose the worst case scenario is taking it again, but seriously, I would die a little on the inside.
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