Feb 07, 2005 21:15
ok I was thinking. Why do younger girls get called sluts and stuff but when you are older like around 30 or so no one uses the term slut for them.I mean what are older women called then if they aren't sluts? Or are there sluts when you get that age. Well I was watching Sex and the City adn I was just thinking. Is it like just a fase in our life everyone goes threw? Like I dont know it is hard to explain. I mean at the age those girls are in Sex and the City they are constantly having sex with a bunch of different guys. And if we were seen doing that Oh Gosh that would get around like crazy and of course we would be sluts, but then what are they? Maybe its just maturity. I think so but I dont know. Are us girls gonna be like that when we are in our 30's and single? Comment on this and tell me what you think about it all.:) Just wondering.