Aug 08, 2008 15:00
Spent the early part of the morning playing on the Stryker simulator, which was friggin sweet! It started off real Mickey Mouse but by the end of the 8 scenarios you're on a convoy, are hit by a VBIED, being gunned by insergants, have a SGT hit in the gunnery and are being screamed at by the CO to get out of the kill zone. Super high speed. Super awesome. And above all, amazing training.
I also found out that it takes 8 gallons of jet fuel to even start a tank! Holy crap! I shutter to think with rising gas prices what the logistical operational costs are reaching of the Army. Although, I suppose that we'll go over that sort of stuff at BOLC III in Ft. Eustis.
Other than that, today at work has been spent figuring out my finances and the quickest way to eliminate my credit card debt. I figured out that as long as I continue on my payment schedule that I've maintained since June that I'll be out of debt on Nov. 1. At that point I'll begin putting the $300/month that I was putting toward my card into my mutual fund. Huz-freaking-zah!
After that I began to compile the list of books from the Chief of Staff of the Army Recommended Reading list onto a Word Document so that I can begin checking them off. There are a ton and so I'm just picking the ones that seem of interest/focus on areas of military history that I'm not particuarly familiar with. It'll take me awhile to get through them, especially considering that I've had an insane amount of free time here which will begin to disapear once I reach BOLCII, III and my actual unit.
Other than that, this weekend will be spent relaxing by the pool, reading An Army at Dawn, cross stiching and watching TV. I'm telling you, life is tough here on the fabulous Ft. Knox.