Jan 04, 2005 20:06
well its finally 2005, the year i have been waiting for. my graduation year! im stoked about that but dreading the next couple of months...midterms, finals, grades and the tiring never ending homework. but on a lighter note. i got to spend new years eve with jimmy. all break i shopped and hung out with friends, and saw him like two or three times besides christmas and new years and then on new years eve i went over to rob's house with jimmy and the three of us hung out and celebrated the new year. 2004 was a fun year and had alot of good and bad memories in it, but the best ones are with my beebee. so monday came around, time to go back to the god awful place adults like to call school. it was ok, i got to see all my friends and hear about what everybdy got for xmas but it also sucked cuz i would have rather been in my bed asleep. got a buttload of homework, which i knew would happn considering midterms are in like 3 weeks. something i am not looking forward to, especially nursing. i have to remember everything they have ever said and take a test on it, with out a study guide or a clue to what is gonna be on the test. but oh well just gotta study my ass off for that, im not worried bout my other ones except for government, considering she cant make up a test worth shit. i gotta get a good grade on that. but im not gonna stress it, imma just do my best. ne way. only threedays left in the week until the weekend and i get to chill with my baby. friday night im goin over there and then on saturday we are suppos to be goin to the mall an the movies. yay! but ne way, gotta get back to homework.