Jan 13, 2005 22:26
We're goin to the conference finals for the first time in Paxon history I think. Not too shabby.
Everyone played amazing, and the game on Saturday is at JU at 12:00 so feel free to come and maybe you can get on t.v. since it's gonna be on comcast! yay!
Stanton lost 1-0 so we'll be playing Mandarin, but just so all of you stanton people know, you guys deserved to win and everyone knows it. You guys outplayed em like 70-30.
P-hong's takin us out to the loop tommorow.
Wow, APUSH test was soo hard. Don't bother studying because your gonna fail and I am not overexagerating at all! It was depressing.
Oh, Lex I have to talk to you. lol, there's something very important I need to discuss with you that I'm a little confused about..
Well, I'm goin to bed..night guys