Jun 17, 2012 19:08
Things are slowly changing around me as if someone really close to me has the power to stop time and is playing a trick on me by subtly moving things around me while time is stopped. Except its not really tangible changes like that. Its more like people are slowly transforming their personalities around me or maybe Im just changing my perception of everyone with age, or maybe both. Before netflix and before I downloaded movies online I used to go to my local Blockbuster at least once a week. Every week id see the same manager and we always talked about movies and my mom. It was nice having her as a constant in my life even if we didnt know each other. I dont have that anymore but now that I work at a bank we definitely get a lot of regulars. The difference is that I am now the constant and the regulars are the ones that come and go. Its kind of depressing and makes me feel as if I was the one who can stop time all along. Except I can only stop time for myself while everyone and everything else carries on around me.