Sep 02, 2006 22:24
3. Last word you said: omg!
4. Last song you sang: across the night(saudade..)
5. Last person you hugged: wally!
6. Last thing you laughed at: email que cris me mandou!haha
7. Last time you said 'I love you': 22 hrs (L)
8. What's in your CD player: Wheat
9. What socks are you wearing: uma branca podre ja!haha
10. What's under your bed: monstrinhos do estranho mundo de jack!
12. Current taste: bubblegum!
13. Current hair style: preto,curto,e BAGUNCADO.
14. Current clothes: calca e blusa branca (preguica de trocar de roupa!)
15.anoyance: vontade de fazer pipi e ter preguica de ir no banheiro haha
17. Current desktop : paisagens do windows xp hahahahahaha
18. Current worry: paranoia com gastar $$
19. Current hate: neca =D
20. Story behind your live journal username: a melhor musica de veruca salt,volcano girls!\o/
21. Current favorite article of clothing: sandalias de bolinhas!
22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: olhos
23. Last CD that you bought: tegan and sara!
22.Favorite place to be: casa de vitor (L)
25. Least favorite place: longe dele..
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7 AM (colegio comecando ja!)
27. If you could play an instrument, what would it be: guitarra lógico.
28. Believe in an afterlife: FOR SURE!!!=D
29. Current favorite word/saying: AURIBI!
30. Favorite book: Melancia
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Eu queria ter conversado mais com minha cachorra Luana!:(
35. Favorite day: Sexta
36. Where do you want to go: Brazil
37. What is your career going to be like: dentro de um set,com varias pessoas malucas trabalhando,e falando ACTION!haha!
38. How many kids do you want: 2
39. What kind of truck will you have: ¬¬
40. Type a line you remember from any book: 'Measure your life in love' - RENT!
41. A random lyric: Seasons of love - RENT
42. Eye Color: castanho escurão!
43. Hair Color: preto! mais nunca se sabe ne?haha
44. Righty or Lefty: righty
45. Zodiac Sign: LIBRA!
46. Innie or Outtie: é oq?haha
47. Your heritage: ...
48. The shoes you wore today: all star vermelho
49. Your hair: curto e preto carai ja disse!haha
50. Your weakness: preguicosa?haha
51. Your fears: perder pessoas que amo!
51. Your perfect pizza: MUZZARELA!
52. One thing you'd like to achieve: ter uma casinha com vitor em montreal!(L)
54. Your thoughts first waking up: To num pais diferente!haha
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: olhos
56. Your bedtime: depende da preguica de dormir hahahaha!
57. Your most missed memory: MUITAS!
58. Pepsi or coke: coke
59. McDonald's or Burger King: Mc
60. Single or group dates: single
61. Adidas or nike: adidas
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nenhum!
63. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
64. Cappuccino or coffee: bleh!
65. Smoke: no
66. Cuss: !?
67. Sing: YES
68. Take a shower everyday: yes
69. Have a crush: yes
70. Who is he/she: vitor branco freitas!:)
71. Think you've been in love: yes (LLLLLLLLL)
72. Want to go to college: no
73. Like high school: yes!!
74. Want to get married: yes
75. Type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
76. Think you're attractive: acho que nao hahaha
77. Think you're a health freak: no
78. Get along with your parents: yes
79. Play an instrument: nori :(
84. Go on a date: em varios com meu namorado!
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: bono serve?
86. Eaten sushi: ODEIO
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: no
89. Been in love: yes!!!!!!!!!
90. Gone skinny dipping: nope
91. Dyed your hair: no :((((((((((
92. Stolen anything: no o_O
98. my name is: Bruna
99. height: 1.70
101. in the morning i am: preguiçosa
102. all i need is: love!love!=D
104. if i could see one person right now: vitor
105. i dream about: coisas loucas e viajadas!amo!
108. been in love: yes
109. cried when someone died: yes!
110. lied: yes
111. flowers or candy: candy!!!yummy!
112. tall or short: tall
113. last person u slow danced with: vitor hahahaha amo!
120. sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?: claro.
121. save aol/aim conversations: no
123. wish u were a member of the opposite sex: no
4. cry because of someone saying something to you: as vezes,dificil!mto dificil!
MORE Have You Evers...
125. fallen for your best friend: haha nao!
126. been rejected?: yes,sooo many times!haha faz parte!:)
127. rejected someone: yes
128. used someone: n! perae po!
9. been cheated on: nao
130. cheated on someone: nao
131. done something u regret: claro!
132. you talked to on the phone: Painho
133. hugged: Wally cacilda!
134. you instant messaged: vitor!
135. instant messaged you: pri!
136. you laughed with: pri!haha
Do You...
137. color your hair: SIMMMM AMO!azul me espera!
138. ever get off on the computer: yes
139. habla espanol: haha queria!
Do You/Are You...
142. could u live without the computer: DEFINITAVAMENTE NAO!OLHA OQ TO FAZENDO AS 11 HORAS DA NOITE!;~~~~~~~~~~
143. how many people are on ur buddylist: 8
144. what's your favorite food: pizza!x)
145. whats your favorite fruit: banana!
146. drink alcohol: sometimes,i said SOMETIMES.
147. like watching sunrises or sunset: amo!!!!!!!!!!!
148. what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain: emotional!
149. trust others way too easily: sim!
eu ja respondi essa cacilda umas mil vezes,hahaha e bom quando nao se tem o que fazer sabe?