Time for a brief update on my travels, albeit a somewhat boring update.
Monday, Probst and I went to the base in Holland to pick up some things. She had to check the mail (she has to drive once a week to pick it up), so I mailed a postcard home, then we picked up a couple things we needed. Things we needed included a small sampling of German beers, which I actually have yet to try. I might drink them today, considering the Love is in the Air event is going on in Warcraft and the achievements for it are nothing but time vampires. Anyway, Probst got a little irritated when we found out we couldn't get gas at the base station, but would have to go to an Esso. We had enough to get home though, as it wasn't that far. The weather turned nasty on us while we were there, switching from light rain to near-blizzard snow. Driving here isn't anything like driving at home, where there's mountains and such. In fact, Germany is extremely flat, at least in this area.
Tuesday was cleaning day, and not all that exciting. I've been somewhat certain I've been hearing strange noises at night that I shouldn't be hearing, and knowing Probst's history with such things, I was somewhat uncomfortable. But I thought I was crazy until Tuesday night. Probst had said she was going to bed, and had gone to her room and closed the door. The computer room is beside the master bedroom, and I heard a Thud and Probst yell, "Holy shit!" I knocked and asked if she was alright. She told me that the picture on top of her TV had, quite literally, just flown at her.
I decided to pretend I didn't hear any of that, because I was about to go to bed. And my room is downstairs, down a long hallway, all the way at the other end of the house. Good times.
Yesterday, Wednesday, we were lucky enough to get a relatively nice day, so we drove in to Sittard, Holland, for a couple of hours to walk around and sight-see. Let me just say that it was ball-freezing cold. The first thing Probst showed me was what worked as the Sittard town square, which was a pretty little area with mostly restaurants all around. We ultimately decided to try one called Bagels and Beans, where we had the most delicious cheesecake ever. It was so good I almost died. And I would have died happy, so very happy. It came with a little cup of raspberry dipping sauce, which I could tell was made fresh.
We checked out the area and found a few churches, which I took pictures of, and many interesting statues. The best statue, by far, was the statue of the little boy with his head between his knees sticking his tongue out at the masses. I wanted to use the peace sign to make this dirty, but I felt like the Dutch would probably frown at me. They were already staring. Though actually most of them that we spoke to were very nice, and thankfully spoke the English.
Tomorrow will mark a full week that I've been in Germany. It's been fun. Next week we may try to get to Paris--I'm not sure exactly what our schedule is going to be.
Quote of the day: I blame this on you...