Oct 19, 2008 03:20
It's apparently been a long time since I posted. Clearly Probst has returned to Germany, and that was a sad, sad day indeed. Happily I still see her around and about in the World (of Warcraft) so we're still in touch.
Last weekend I decided to finally road trip down and visit Heather. Oh my God, she's a real person. She borders on being an old person, what with her MTWRFSS pill container and going to bed at 10:00 p.m. and her 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse. Let's not forget that I went down for the sole purpose of going wedding dress shopping with her. She picked a bunch off the rack; I gagged. She tried them on, and of course my opinion changed (except for the one--it was awful). She ended up being torn between two dresses at the end (one of which was actually my favorite), but she made a decision (the one that wasn't my favorite, but is still beautiful...it's very her). The problem was, the store we were at was very hoity-toity, and refused to give her any information at all about the dress except the designer--no pictures or anything. Presumably, since it was a privately owned shop, they wanted you to purchase it there for their inflated price. Heather was pissed, but hoped she could find it on the designer's website (she did, in fact, later). The dress was gorgeous and she looked gorgeous in it. I'm so happy for her. I'm so excited to be her maid of honor and just to be a part of it.
Johnny had a fishing and business trip for the next couple of days, so I ended up staying over two nights. We watched the Penn State game and were general lameasses all day. Seriously, we watched the Terminator movies all day, because Heather is apparently obsessed with The Sarah Conner Chronicles on TV and had never seen the original movies. My soul died a little, but whatever. We went outlet shopping. I got two shirts from J. Crew because they were $10 each, and I was like, score.
What else has been going on? There's the thing with Becky and her irregular...um...irregularity. And of course there's Chelsi, whose wedding I just attended and is now seeking an annulment. Shit happens, right? Sometimes your instinct about people is spot-on. Heather drunk-dialed me tonight, and it made my day.
Quote of the day: You are the fucking best person in the world...