Check That Off My "List O'Shit to Do Before I Die"

Sep 08, 2008 01:37

So, kind of a lot has happened since the last time I wrote an entry.

"Remember that time when one guy decided he didn't like you anymore but two others did?"

I totally remember. I'm pretty sure I'll remember until the day I die. What a confidence booster.

Had a lot of Grange Fair action. Three days of incredible food. As I was sitting there, chowing down on my second plate of all-you-can-eat chicken and waffles, I realized that I was already somewhat sad it'd be another year before I was there. And who knows what that year will bring? Heather and Johnny married...Keagan (not the vagina exercises) will be over a year old...who knows where we'll all be again?

Of course, some kick-ass Labor Day Boat Reghetto beer tent action followed. Probst was home!! I missed her so much. We hung out with Amy Peasley at the Beer Tent, watched some Dead Horse. Spent some time at the boys' house for a while, steak and potatoes and some hookah. Don't forget the Boones Farm.

The class reunion is coming up. It'll be interesting to see some people again, but I feel like I still see a lot of them now.

Quote of the day: Aren't you so fucking proud of me?
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