Mar 01, 2008 00:23
Another week gone by. Today was the best day of work ever. Restraint and CPR training at the main office. The best part was, I've never had CPR certification in my life. I feel like they're supposed to pull out dummies and show you how to do the chest compressions and breathing and such. Nope. They assumed we'd all had CPR before, so they pretty much gave us the written test, told us the answers as a group, and moved on to restraint. I laughed for a solid hour--everytime I thought about the fact that I was going to get a card in the mail saying I was a certified CPR lifesaver, I just couldn't stop myself.
Ryan beat me up all day. It was hilarious, because for some reason I always get the tallest (and only) boy in the room to do restraints with. He couldn't get out of my choke-hold only because he didn't want to break my arm to complete the move. I went with...umm...two girls whose names I still don't know to Main Cheung for the lunch buffet. Oh my God, it was sweet. We were dismissed at 1:30, and were paid until 4:30. It fucking rocked. I also found out I'm probably going to pick up a new client either this week or next. Ten hours after school, so total 40 hours a week. That'll be nice, because I could really stand to make more money.
Tonight I was supposed to go to dinner with Jared and on a search for a Wii, but the snow ruined that. Hopefully we can reschedule. Tomorrow I'm heading to Ski Sawmill with Zbegner for some awesome snowboarding action. I haven't gone snowboarding since I went that time with my boyfriend in high school...whose name I can't even remember anymore. Jesus, what the hell was it? I don't know. I just know he had diabetes and does a lot of drugs now. That last piece of information didn't surprise me at all--he was always a weird little bastard.
In guild news, we lost a shit ton more people. We've had a high turnover rate the past several days. I had a point here, but I forgot what it was. I don't know. We did run our first 25-man raid on Wednesday, and took down Maulgar on the last try of the night. I got some l33t bracers for n00b pwnage kthxbai dps warr pew pew ftw.
Quote of the day: Ryan, you should be so glad you didn't hear us in the car...