Title: Beyond Blood and Water - Arc III (final installment)
Author: volatileflame
Chapter(s): 10/?
Characters: HanKyung-centric, SuJu, Lee YeonHee, DBSK
Cameos: CSJH, The TraX, Lee JunKi, Miyazaki Aoi, Lee Ayumi, BoA, Battle, Big Bang, ShinHwa, SS501
Pairings: various
Genre: AU, Family
Rating: G - PG (i dunno)
Disclaimers: seriously, do i really need to say it? i obviously don’t own them.
Summary: i . . . can’t come up with something witty -_-;
Chapter X
“Hannie!” DongHae ran through the school gates and pounced on his boyfriend.
“Good morning Hae,” HanKyung chuckled, hugging the younger boy and twirling him around. He gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“Yay!” they heard some cheers erupting along with sheets of paper flying all around them. The two boys turned to see KwangSun and KwangHo grinning impishly and clapping their hands.
“Sorry, we didn't have any confetti, so we thought our homework would do,” KwangSun joked. HanKyung and DongHae flushed scarlet. DongHae buried his face into HanKyung's chest.
“Now ShiWon and JunSu won't be the only couple in your little crew,” KwangHo added.
“It was about time!” KwangSun nodded.
“Hyung-deul!” HanKyung whined. Suddenly, the twins got smacked upside the head with two folders.
“Yah! What the hell do you two punks think you're doing?” a handsome, but relatively short man berated them. “Stop harassing your poor hoobaes!
“Lee-seonsaengnim,” HanKyung and DongHae bowed.
“Aish, MinWoo-hyung!” KwangSun grumbled. “What the hell?”
“It's Lee-seonsaengnim to you!” MinWoo rebuked him.
“You're our cousin!” KwangSun protested.
“Doesn't matter!” MinWoo retorted. “Right now, we're at school, and at school, I'm your teacher!”
“Still, you didn't have to hit us,” KwangHo pouted. HanKyung and DongHae quickly took the chance to slip away while the twins bickered with Lee-seonsaeng. HanKyung dropped DongHae off at his classroom, giving him a quick peck on the forehead before going off to his own classroom. As soon as he walked in, loud pops were heard, along with cheers, and confetti and tinsel flew all around him.
“Congratulations!” ShinDong, ShiWon, SeungHyun, YoungSaeng, HyunJoong, Ayumi and her friends JungEum and GaIn all cheered and applauded.
“Not you guys too!” HanKyung groaned in exasperation. “I just escaped the twins, and now you guys?”
“Hey, we're just happy for ya man,” SeungHyun slung an arm across HanKyung's shoulders.
“About time, I say,” said ShiWon.
“Huh, that's what KwangSun-hyung said,” HanKyung remarked, pulling off a string of tinsel from his shoulder. “I do hope you're going to clean up before Chong-seonsaeng comes in. Where did you guys even get this stuff?”
“Oh, ShinDong and ShiWon brought them in,” Ayumi explained.
“So that's why you carried your lunch in your hands,” HanKyung remarked.
“Hey, what's a celebration without poppers and confetti?” ShinDong shrugged.
“I really don't get what there is to celebrate,” HanKyung frowned.
“Let's just say that we've been waiting for this happy occasion for a long time now,” YoungSaeng stated.
“That obvious, huh?” HanKyung sheepishly rubbed his neck. His friends and brother all nodded. “Well, I thank you for sharing in my joy. However, I really do hope you clean up before Chong-seonsaeng comes in, because I do not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.”
* * * * *
“So which one of us won?” asked SungMi.
“I do believe JunSu,” KiBum sighed. “In a sense, Stephanie-nuna did help bring them together. So, here.”
JunSu gleefully accepted the bill. SungMi and ChangMin also handed him bills.
“It's 1000 won,” ChangMin remarked, “well, three. No need to look so smug.”
“I'm smug over the fact that I'm right,” JunSu grinned. “Especially when you're not. I'm so smart.”
“Yeah, yeah,” ChangMin rolled his eyes. “Enjoy it while it lasts. Knowing you, I guarantee you it won't be for long. In fact, I can already assure you that you did your math assignment all wrong. You don't do multiplication first if the addition problem is inside brackets.”
“What?” JunSu squawked.
“So much for being smart,” SungMin chuckled.
“Look who's all smiles and sunshine this morning,” BoA's voice interrupted them. They all turned their attention to the door where DongHae just walked in.
“So, everything all figured out? No more confused feelings, awkward avoidance, burning jealousy?” SungMi smirked.
“Yeah,” DongHae nodded shyly.
“We're glad,” BoA smiled.
“As long as you and HanKyung-hyung don't end up being nauseating like JunSu and ShiWon,” EunHyuk grimaced.
“Hey!” JunSu protested, smacking him upside the head. “We are not nauseating!”
“If you disgust even EunHyuk, then yes you are,” stated ChangMin.
“Yeah,” EunHyuk agreed. “HEY!”
* * * * *
“Kim HanKyung!” a loud voice bellowed through the corridor.
“Do you think your cousin's mad at me because I rejected Stephanie-nuna?” HanKyung whispered to his boyfriend. DongHae took the older boy's hand in his.
“Should I explain to her?” DongHae whispered back. HanKyung simply held tighter onto DongHae. JiYeon charged her way past other students with Stephanie in tow. The two younger boys braced themselves for the older girl's wrath.
“About frickin' time!” the older girl exclaimed in exasperation, punching HanKyung in the arm.
“Huh?” the two boys looked at her.
“I was beginning to think I would get white hairs before you guys confessed to each other,” JiYeon continued to complain. “I even got my girlfriend to help give you a push! Man! You guys are so slow! Or blind. Or stupid. All three.”
“Huh?” the two boys blinked in bewilderment.
“Wait, girlfriend?” HanKyung frowned. He looked at Stephanie who nodded.
“B-but, I thought you wanted to get Hannie to be with Stephy-nuna,” DongHae sputtered. JiYeon sighed and held his face in her hands.
“Hae, you're my baby cousin - like a brother to me. Did you really think I wouldn't know about you being in love with HanKyung?” she gently asked. “Heck! I knew long before you did!”
“But even I didn't know I was in love with him until BoA and SungMi told me,” DongHae pouted.
“We're women,” JiYeon waved dismissively. “Honestly, I was beginning to lose hope that you two would get together. It's a good thing we decided to give you a little push.”
“So, everything was just part of your plan to get Hae and I together?” HanKyung asked.
“I'm a genius,” JiYeon shrugged. “Oh yeah.”
She punched HanKyung again.
“Ow! What was that for?” he demanded.
“That's for kissing my girlfriend and making my baby cousin cry,” JiYeon explained.
“She kissed me!” HanKyung protested.
“Doesn't matter,” JiYeon ignored his indignation. “You touched her lips. They belong to me.”
Stephanie rolled her eyes and gently pushed her girlfriend aside.
“Anyways, we just wanted to tell you that we're happy for you,” she grinned. “Congratulations!”
With that, the two girls left, leaving the two boys stunned in their wake.
“Hnn,” HanKyung broke their stupor a moment later. “I guess we really are blind and stupid.”
He brought DongHae closer to him and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. The younger boy snuggled into his chest.
“Wait!” DongHae suddenly pulled away. “So all this time, I was jealous of my cousin's girlfriend? Wait! Since when did JiYeon-nuna have a girlfriend? How did I not notice that at all? Why am I the last to know these things . . . ?”
* * * * *
“So, now we have a couple number two, and you're still single,” HeeChul nudged YooChun.
“Shut up,” YooChun pouted sourly. “I don't see you doing any better.”
“You forget - I am Kim HeeChul. There is no 'better' to something that is already perfect.”
“Don't worry, Hyung,” ChangMin patted his older brother's shoulder. “I'm sure there's someone out there in the world who will fall for your greasy charms.”
He cackled evilly as he ran off before the elder could retaliate.
* * * * *
“I'm home!” YoungWoon called out as he entered the house.
“Hi Appa!” he heard voices call out from all corners of the house. He whistled to himself as he took off his shoes. He was a little surprised to see only HanKyung and DongHae in the living room. They were watching a movie. DongHae was wrapped up in HanKyung's arms.
“Hey you two,” YoungWoon greeted them. “Where are everyone else?”
“Aside from SungMin and KiBum, everyone's in their rooms doing homework,” HanKyung replied. “Umma's in the kitchen - don't worry, he's not cooking - and SungMin and KiBum are at the library getting Japanese lessons from Ayumi.”
“I see,” YoungWoon nodded. “I'm going to the kitchen then, see what your Umma is up to.”
As he headed towards the kitchen, he caught DongHae whispering something into HanKyung's ear. It was not an unusual sight, but what was unusual was HanKyung turning to the younger boy and kissing him on the lips. He was just about to say something when a hand clamped over his mouth and more hands grabbed his arms and began to drag him away.
“Shh!” he heard JungSu whisper. “Don't disturb them.”
“Did I just see them kissing?” YoungWoon hissed once JungSu released his mouth.
“They're going out now,” HeeChul informed him.
“What?!” he demanded, throwing off HeeChul and JungSu's hands, ready to go back into the living room to break the two up.
“Appa!” HeeChul berated him, pulling him back again to stop him from disturbing the two younger boys.
“Don't go all over-protective-appa on me, YoungWoon,” JungSu rolled his eyes. “You know that DongHae's a good boy. You've seen him grow up like he was one of our own.”
“They're too young!” YoungWoon protested. “What happened to the two innocent little boys I used to know? They're not supposed to realize their feelings for each other until they're in university! They can't date now! Noooooooooo!”
“Man,” KyuHyun smirked. “I can't wait to see how Appa reacts when YeonHee starts dating.”
A/N: i don't know who's still reading this (then again, it's not like i post it anywhere other than here), but would you kill me if i did a major timeskip and not really bother with introducing Henry and MiMi? they'll still be in the story, but i'm not going to really go too much into them and all that. the main focus of this entire story is supposed to be HanKyung anyway, so i'm going to do just that and concentrate more on his story and less on the others. hope you'll understand, but i'd really like to finish this story rather than leave everything hanging and incomplete.