(no subject)

Oct 14, 2009 02:59

I don't really get tired.  At least never around the time I want to go to sleep.
I never really have, I think.
I have never unintentionally fallen asleep reading a book or watching something. 
I usually just think, ugh, i guess i should make myself sleep now.
It doesn't take very long for me to fall asleep, it's just that I put off getting into bed for a long time

It's like when you have to go to the post office, but you're wrapped up in what you're doing and so you keep putting it off until it's after five and you have to go the next day.
That's what sleep feels like for me.  I have to stop having fun.
There are occasions where I am actually sleepy and I find the sensation to be somewhat luxurious.  You can hunker down in your blankets and drift off, happy.
I wish that were the norm for me.

I barely slept last night and, even so, I'd be perfectly content to read or play solitaire while listening to music until the sun rises.

I'm sure sleeping pills would help, but it's the same basic problem.  I sometimes have some and i just never take them because I want to continue doing what I'm doing and I keep putting off taking them until it's too late and I can't take them or I'll be asleep for the entire day.

This doesn't really bother me; I long ago decided that I cannot really take classes before noon.  I'm just musing and wondering if other people get legit tired normally.
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