Mon, 11:11: RT @ CityLife_Clvu: TODAY'S READ: How "city-state disputes & resistance from influential real estate groups have thwarted numerous efforts t…
Mon, 11:15: RT @ bill_shaner: Welp as expected we're paying every cop a $1,300 annual stipend to wear body cameras, the accountability tool that's prove…
Mon, 11:25: RT @ hetherrfortune: music, and all art for that matter, stopped being pure as soon as wealth and status became realistic goals for the arti…
Mon, 11:55: RT @ GBHNews: "I believe that any person that has a marijuana offense, currently or in the past, that should be wiped from their record," sa…
Mon, 11:55: RT @ IDPCnet: URGENT: We need your solidarity and support: #Singapore has scheduled the execution of Mr Suppiah by hanging on 26 April for c…