Thoroughly cleaning the house today :( it really really needs it.
Over the weekend we went bakc to the pineapple and took some autumn shots. It was great to get out and run around the woods lol
We also went to meet our marriage celebrant for the first time lats night. He seemed very friendly and was very informative about the whole thing. So we payed the deposit and now we have a celebrant booked :) (wont bore you with detailed wedding information)
While driving back we noticed an orange glow in the sky in the distance. We wondered if it was a huge bonfire. The closer we got to it the more we began to wonder if a village was on fire, as the flames where really lighting up the whole sky. Further investigation led us to discover that it was Grahamston power plant place thingy. One of the chimney stack things was spewing out a massive flame taller than the tower it was comming out of. The whole plant looked like "something out of a sci fi film", as brindy put it. It was very disturbing the amount of smoke that was being produced around it too.