Currently, they're doing some deep packet filtering. As of today, my friend's ssh tunneling to a server in america no longer works. ssl is blocked. https is blocked. Ideas? Changing ports doesn't work. Tor doesn't work.
It's worth nothing this section of the article:
Countries with repressive governments aren't the only ones interested in such technology. Britain has a list of blocked sites, and the German government is considering similar measures[*]. In the U.S., the National Security Agency has such capability, which was employed as part of the Bush administration's "Terrorist Surveillance Program."
In other words, Western countries aren't looking too much better in terms of freedoms here, we're just not hauling people off to prison and not telling families where they are. (Um, I think....)
Today, "protecting the children", er, copyrights. Tommorrow...?
Short of giving the Piratpartiet full control of the Riksdag, and moving to Sweden (which had its own issues, leading to the outrage that got the Pirate party their seats), what do we do? Got any technological advice? Satellite internet access is considered spying, and can get you into big trouble, apparently.