(no subject)

May 14, 2004 13:20

I saw somthing last night, on the net, that scared the shit out of me....now im sure everyones heard of the american that was executed by iraqi..."militry" insurgents....however its one thing to hear that a decent man, someone with a family, who had children, siblings and family that loved him, has been killed, but actually seeing it is another thing entierly.

they didnt be-head him, they cut his throat, then sawed his head off....watching as he screams in pain as he gargles blood and hearing all this whilst watching these....animals saw into his neck, is to much, what type of sick mutha fucker, gets pleasure or "vengance" out of brutally murdering an inoccent civillan, who had done no one any wrong and was in fact trying to re-build the tatterd remants of iraq.

these ppl arnt even animals, u dont see animals doing this type of gastly shit, not for the crowd anyway...they say it was revenge for the iraqi prisoners being misstreated......i say there a bunch of cold blooded murdering sons of bitches....KILL THEM ALL BUSH, BOMB THERE VILLIGERS. LOOT THERE OIL, THEN TORTURE THESE...SCUM TO DEATH, its the only punishment worthy of these...evil ppl

never befor have i been so sickend to be a human being as now....could be worse, i could be a sand nigger just like them, holding human life so...worthless
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