Moving is always a bitch, but I got it down pretty early and all by myself. I don't have cable so I have been a QUEERASFOLKATHON, which is now a word. And I forgot how much I love that god damn show. Living in a house in the suburbs again has been pretty creepy. It's way quiet and when you make a noise or do anything , you know the neighbors are looking out of the windows wondering what you are doing. It's like Wisteria Land, sans murders, arsonist, prostitutes, or statatury rape. Well, as far as I know anyway. Here is the view out my window
My speech class is a blast during the few breaks we have in it. I'm so glad I took the 2 week class. A whole semesters class would be way too frustrating. Only 2 weeks, and only 2 speeches. Not so bad, especially since I'm already half way done. The campus is deserted, but there are still cool ppl to hang out w/. Just no time because of school. Then I"m taking 7 more hours this summer. So 10 hours total this summer. I'm in a rush to graduate and I just want it over already. Now I get to go study for a test I have tomorrow, even tho i just had a speech this morning, yay! It's going to be a late night in the library.