[Stolen] -- sick fucks

Jan 13, 2006 03:44

Al-Qaeda's Plot To Infect Troops With AIDS Virus Via HIV Bombers

AL-QAEDA is recruiting suicide bombers who are infected with the AIDSvirus, according to documents revealed to the Sunday Mirror.

Terror chiefs are also targeting fanatics who suffer other lethal blooddiseases such as hepatitis and dengue fever in order to increase their"kill rate" from an explosion. The chilling new threat is revealed inpapers distributed to British military camps in Iraq and across Europe.

Under the heading "HIV/Hepatitis" the document states: "There isevidence that terrorists might be deliberately recruiting volunteerswith diseases that are spread by blood transference."

Experts have found that bones and other blood-spattered fragments froma suicide bomber could penetrate the skin of a victim 50 metres awayand infect them.

In the papers (part of which is summarised above) soldiers arewarned to wear special protective clothing when on guard duty or ifthey have to deal with casualties in the event of an attack.

All bases must also have snipers hidden behind blast-proofdefences ready to take out would-be suicide bombers. The guidelineswere issued following the 7/7 London bombings which left 52 dead andinjured hundreds more.

Spy chiefs have also examined other attacks, including a car-bombing onthe Black Watch in central Iraq which killed three soldiers a year ago.

Last night an MoD spokesman confirmed that bases had been made aware of the new threat.

He added: "The Army go to great lengths to prepare our soldiers for every eventuality."

Yea I stole this from Elijah --

And aren't these supposed to be divine messengers or some bullshit? Killing for god's sake.. whatever they are, whatever their "fate" is, it's bullshit to me. Religion is great and all [not said enthusiastically] but what the hell is this shit? Whatever the fuck they are [besides fanatics] -- it just doesn't make sense that "their" god [no way it's my god] would have them kill as many non-believers or innocent bystanaders as possible. "Hey! Let's go blow ourselves up today and kill some innocent pregnant ladies. Sounds fun to me!" Really wtf are they thinking? I don't comprehend it. Loons. I've just never been one to force my beliefs on other people. I wouldn't make a good dictator.

Someone please answer for me what the fuck these people claim to be -- what's their mission? to die? Just to kill a few people along with themselves? Someone tell me what their motive is cause so far I'm not seeing any sanity. I would imagine they make sense to themselves and their other fanatical buddies.

fucking morons

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