Jun 28, 2006 11:36
I have had bad days before but today is just extra special because its all piling up at once...
1. This morning on my way to work my name tag clip was pierced by the name tag pin thus stabbing me in the chest. Yes it hurt.
2. Once at work the left arm on my glasses snapped for no reason whatsoever. I have been working blind as a bat all day.
3. My request to take the day off on Friday to take care of my wife who is getting some knee "surgery" done tomorrow was denied because of the shortage of man-power due to the Canada Day weekend.
4. Pam got me out to see Click last night but we didnt get home until 12:30 in the morning so today im really tired.
5. Got a call from Pam today while at work informing that the doctor decided to do one of her knees today and the other tomorrow. Now she is in a lot of pain and I have no clue how she is going to get to the doctor's office tomorrow now. I was'nt planning on taking care of a bedridden Pam tonight but I guess thats the case now.
6. My boss is dissapointed in me for not accepting the overtime shift he offered me for Monday even though it's because I need to stay at home to take care fo Pam.
7. Thinking about money today and I can't quite afford to go to the Dentist yet to have my molar looked at. I suspect I will be able to in about a month or so.
8. The release of the new L5R promo set is making me miss L5R a lot today. However I know I will not be getting back into the collecting.
That covers about everything... so far...