Dec 05, 2008 23:42
so i haven't updated in a while but i don't think i have anything to say that makes any sense anyway.
i've been having a shit ton of money problems lately. like a LOT of money problems. i really do understand that this is just temporary though.... and that all of the extra money problems now, will amount to pocket change when i finally get my careeer job going... until then, today was kind of stressful, as i'm interiewing for my third job.
pocket change i tell myself. what's a few grand here or there ?
staying on track, i think my future is very bright. it just seems at this point like everything is taking forever. but athens wasn't built in a day.
the last few days i've been sleeping with this very soft acoustic vanessa carlton song on a continuous repetition. one night it was jst loud enough that it started to infiltrate my dream, and it was one of the nicest dreams that i've had in a while. you know that feeling, when you have just a great dream and you wake up feeling just kind of very happy ? anyway that track has 609 plays on the itunes counter now
so finals are in the works and i've my first one on tuesday. after finals in addition to organizing grad school applications and working i'm starting a new series of paintings (haven't painted since october). the past few times i've started a new set of paintings i did about nine at a time. but this time however (to save money) i think i'm only going to start only five. BUT i'm going to make them extra good.
lots of other things going on but i have to get to sleep. we've a busy day tomorrow