Mar 10, 2009 16:43
1. Music and Lyrics, a romantic comedy starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore.
Sweet. But somehow it felt like half baked.
People close to you can really devastate you with their horrid pock-marked remarks.
2. Gladiator
Fantastic. Russell Crowe ftw!
This also reminded me of the Panometer of Rome, 312 A.D, I visited in Leipzig.
3. Vicky, Christina, Barcelona
Easily a typical european movie, only that you don't have to follow subtitles because this happens to be in English. Thank you World Movies for introducing us to such movies even before this movie happened. But it's a fun movie, if you can relate yourself to either of the characters.
Watched this one in the bus. GAAH!
The western ghats and gajini combination summons to one of the foulest experiences so far in my life.