Status Report

Mar 29, 2010 20:39

Hi guys. Apologies for the delay on this, but here's a general outline of our current status.

A small handful of the new pages have now been made public on the Mod journal. Please note, however, that these are still considered drafts. Pages which have been posted include the Applications (including the new companion character rules and form), Events page, Careers list, and Concept Effects. I had intended to post the NPC page, but while I could have sworn I'd finished it, it needs two or three more paragraphs! I'm working on that now, and it should be up by either this evening or tomorrow.

This week's projects for the "small" pages are the Rules, Gameplay Guide, and FAQ. The "big" page I will be focusing on is the Setting page, which consists largely of editing and a graphic.

Setting and Story are the two remaining big pages (the other big page being Concept Effects, which is IMHO the most difficult of the three). These currently consist of general outlines, and several out-of-sequence paragraphs which need putting together in a more presentable fashion.

Several pages have been taken down. This does include the Taken list. Before we reopen, we will be making a post asking those still playing to make their presence known, so we can post an up to date list.

mod, status report

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