Mar 05, 2010 21:35

Hey guys.

We'd hoped a few more people would respond to our hiatus proposal post so that we could come to a more rounded decision, but unfortunately only a handful did so.

While we understand that some of you are unhappy with the decision and/or worry that the game will close, our activity levels have plummeted to the point that continuing like this is simply too much to ask, and the admin work (not just the updates) has fallen disasterously behind. As such, we are officially calling out "HOLD!!" while we collect everything together.

We aim to have it finished within a month, but realistically please expect two. It will reopen gradually, with a time lock event. We also hope to hold an "open week" during the time lock event, similar to our previous fourth wall event.

During the upcoming week, we will be posting a couple of public dummy pages on the mod journal and deleting/locking some of the older entries... so be warned - it'll be messy! We aim to post status reports on Sundays. In addition, we will be posting plotting and discussion posts on the ooc community.

Thank you for your patience!

mod, hiatus

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