Don't Look

Feb 04, 2008 08:34

Happy February!  Hopefully January didn't leave a bad taste in your mouth.  It's that time again, though, where I remind you all that Don't Look needs your contributions!  Look, I'll make it easy for you.  I won't even make you click on the submission guidelines link.  I'll include them all here:

With this post of the submission guidelines, submissions are now open. Follow the guidelines like a pirate but the rules are not negotiable. We are willing to publish professionals and amateurs alike, but of course we want solid work with an odd, twisted spirit.

Flash Fiction / Short Short Story
We’re looking for innovative, unique and clever flash fiction or short short stories that are 200 words or less. All the regular rules apply: must be a full story with a beginning, middle and end, character development, setting, character, exposition, climax and resolution. Don’t think it can be done? There are plenty of examples in our issues.

100 words or less that explore modern topics and themes. No special requirements as to form or genre: we examine in turn all work received and accept that which seems best. Avoid excessive and well-worn abstractions, not to mention clichés.

Stylistically distinct while maintaining a clever and warped essence should fill a 2.5” X 3.7” space. Abstract expressionism, impressionistic, photorealistic, almost any approach, will be all considered. Pencil, ink, painting, pastel and photographs welcome. Black and white only please.

Comic Panel / Strips
Funny, odd and twisted single or multiple panel welcome. Keep in mind, there is only a 2.5” X 3.7” space to fill. Black and white only please.

We would love to see nonfiction essays or reviews, approximately 100-200 words in length.  Essays can be about anything, as long as they’re clever, interesting and well thought out.  Same for reviews, though what we’d really like to see are reviews of things that aren’t well known.  If you know an artist that’s not getting enough recognition, please tell us about them!  Keep in mind that we’re interested in the harder edge of truth, so keep the fluffy bunnies to yourself and give us the real story behind your thoughts.

If you have any questions (not submission inquiries), please contact or

So let's see what you've got!  We really depend on your submissions to keep us going.  Thanks for your help!

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