Holiday woes

Nov 26, 2007 14:19

All in all, the long weekend wasn't too bad.  There were only minimal fights between me and my mother and me and the hubby.  And after Thanksgiving, hubby and the kids put up our big, tacky inflatable Santa Claus in the front yard.  He inflates and pops in and out of his big, tacky inflatable chimney.  This stayed up in the yard for almost 24 full hours before some jackass came by with a knife and slashed it.  Now this on its own is enough to put my girls into tears.  Add to the equation the fact that the decoration came from their dead grandmother and guess how well they didn't take it.  The kids still want to decorate the yard, but I am hesitant to spend too much money on a bunch of stuff that will only get vandalized and destroyed.  So I'll make a big fuss with them over decorating the inside and see how they feel then.

On the brighter side, we have 8 new fish.  No, I didn't buy any.  We discovered babies in the filter when changing it this weekend.  So I have the little nursery set up and am getting new grasses and stuff for them to hide in once we release them back into the bigger aquarium. 
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