Jun 21, 2004 18:50
Okay, more about confusing time paradox thingies.
ALL movies involving time travel are Fatalist movies. Just because.
I was watching this movie called Twelve Monkeys, where the human race was nearly wiped out by a virus in 1997. Anyway, Bruce Willis (The main character.) was "volunteered" to go back in time to try to figure out what happend, but not to try to stop anything yet. And well, he got in trouble and was thrown in a mental institution.
But anyway, it turns out that because of his actions in the past, the virus was released. But then that comes to a question. What about the very "first" time he traveled back, before it all actually happend? Though obviously, at that time because his actions had yet to take place, the world WOULDN'T be messed up by the virus, and he'd have no REASON to go back in time, therefore making the virus never take place, ever. Thus, it's only logical that because he traveled in the past, he had already done it before and was destined to do it for all eternity, because of the time travel, effectively making him stuck in an infinite loop. There, it couldn't be anything but "Fate" causing him to do it. He ends up dieing in the "past", in front of his young self (He also has series of dreams throughout the movie, showing it from his young self's point of view, but obviously you don't realize it's actually his self from the future getting shot until the end.). Now, maybe he wouldn't have damned his soul to an infinite loop of torture had he not been in front of himself then, or maybe it was just fate.
Okay, so we know traveling back in time is a BAD idea, especially to anytime where you currently exist already. That just makes things way more complicated. (Think about it. You go back, and your young self is there, and he grows up, only to repeat your fate over and over and over. Why? Because otherwise he wouldn't see his older self in the past. Or present. Or whatever!)
But what about traveling to the future? Well. If you go to the future, you won't be able to find yourself no matter how hard you try, at least that's what I'd imagine. Why? Because you went to the future, and therefore ceased to exist in the present time, no longer able to be there in the future. Why? Because you're there in the future! Confusing? You bet it is.
Okay, that's all I can think of to rant about time travel. Sure it'd be a neat idea, but you'd fuck up things royally.
Kthxbai. Void.