Take the early train, to an early grave

Nov 07, 2005 12:39

My weekend consisted of:

Friday - Circus of Horrors. Absolutely bloody brilliant, I'm definitely going to see them again. Possibly at a bigger venue though, as it didn't really feel much like a circus when it was all happening on a smallish theatrical stage. I'll keep my eyes peeled for when they're next touring...

Saturday - I dusted off Invisibiity - a short story which I wrote back in 2003 and only bothered sending to one editor (who rejected it, natch). I made a few improvements and corrections to it, printed out a sparkling new manuscript copy and posted it to a magazine called The Edge. I must cast the net wider if I want my work to get noticed. I listened to the new Rammstein album and I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet - could be one of those albums that's a 'grower'. I had to grab it quickly, because it was a special limited edition, with a DVD of live concert footage.

In the evening we had dinner at my parents' place, although a busy week began to take its toll on me and I crashed into bed by about half past nine and didn't get up again for about twelve hours.

Sunday - I tackled a mountain of housework in the morning and headed up to central London in the afternoon, to meet random_goth and Jen at Ben Crouch's Tavern. We then shambled on down Oxford Street to the Mean Fiddler and caught the last four bands playing at the Black Celebration (Mesh had, by this time, been moved up the line-up to headlining position and they were entertaining, although I still couldn't help feeling a certain Apoptygma Berzerk-shaped emptiness in the proceedings). Y soon arrived after finishing work and Dave and Mary Kreuzdammer were there too, so I began to drunkenly pester Dave about letting me make a surreal backdrop-movie for their gigs*. It all ended in slapstick fashion with us daubing black lipstick on each others' faces and eating fried rice on the night bus on the way home.

This morning I was, unsurprisingly, hung over. I stumbled out of the flat to see that Selhurst had followed suit after Paris and become a small warzone, with some vermin from a local secondary school launching fireworks at people in the street from the top windows of a bus (the bus had stopped, so presumably the driver was busy radioing for the police). I didn't fancy getting myself maimed just for the sake of getting to the office on time, so I decided to take the long route to the train station instead, and turned up at work half an hour late. My department has recently moved desks and most of my work posessions had mistakenly been taken to a different floor, so I wasted almost another hour on an embarassing search through a fourteen-storey building to try and track it down. I have a sore-throat. So, today's been a bit shit so far. Oh well; I'm going out to buy some chocolate now.

* I did this for him once before, back in 2001 I believe, when he was the frontman for Punishment State. Back then I'd cobbled together a load of amusing footage from 1950s FBI films about the dangers of narcotics, together with some unused stuff I shot the previous year for an art school project. I'd edited all this together in the crusty old analogue edit suite at Croydon Town Hall but I've assured him I can knock up far superior stuff now from my own bedroom, using Apple iMovie. Fuck, I really hate saying things like this to people when I've been drinking!

rammstein, black celebration, parents, writing, work, kreuzdammer, circus of horrors

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