Tuesday Night Music Club

Sep 29, 2005 11:41

This happens every bloody time I take holiday from work: I get ill. Yesterday was alright mostly* but I barely slept last night because my throat was so sore and today it feels like I've tried to swallow several large pads of wire wool. I have to go back into work tomorrow and I bet I'll feel fine again by then.

Well anyway, the Kreuzdammer gig on Tuesday night was a good one - it was first time I've seen the guys with Mike, their new live keyboardist and they did an absolutely blinding set. The venue was quite atmospheric as well - despite having lived near the Hope & Anchor in the past, that was the first time I'd had reason to visit the place. Small and smoky but full of grungy charm (and people with grungy charm too, of course). Oh, and Dave C and devalmont have now taken to smearing fake blood all over themselves while they're performing. Tch, I bet their parents don't know they do that sort of thing. The band on after them, Corrosion, were also quite good but I suppose the beer made everything blur a little from then onwards. I somehow ended up in a long conversation about the London alternative scene with a random Swedish bloke called Johan - which scared me in some ways, as I realised then how little I actually seem to know about the 'scene' these days because I'm so housebound. Y & I both got fairly pissed, then we fell asleep on the bus and woke up way past our stop.

Another thing that's gone on this week is that, on Monday morning, I suddenly had this idea for a short story, which I ended up calling Kradditho. I think the idea just clicked when I was looking up some random article on Wikipedia instead of getting on with what I was meant to be doing, and I thought "this is so cool, I have to write it before the idea goes away." So I hammered the thing together over Monday's and Tuesday's lunchbreaks and then finished it at home yesterday, when I had the whole day to myself. It's about 8,800 words long - I've emailed some people already to annoy them with copies for proof-reading, but if anybody else fancies a look then by all means drop me a line (I didn't post it in my journal because it's too long and I'm a bit paranoid about some rndom stranger copying it). It's a weird little sci-fi/fantasy tale, possibly a bit disturbing in places. When I've ironed out any possible glitches, I'll probably post a manuscript copy to The 3rd Alternative or somewhere similar to see if they're interested. Now that's done and dusted: back to writing The Nursery.

Back to reality now anyway: I have bag-fulls of clothing to pack and a ton of new kitchenware to buy in town. Y had been keen on having people over on Friday for a sort of anti-house-warming (house-cooling, perhaps?) shindig but I think that's maybe a bad move, if we want the place tidy before the landlord turns up the next morning and writes out a cheque for the deposit money.

* Aside from my post-Kreuzdammer hangover in the morning, but this was resolved by some chocolate digestive biscuits, Trisha and then a Laurel & Hardey epic which showcased how amusing American prison life in the 1930s must have been.

writing, kreuzdammer, moving

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