Miscellanious Lunchtime Stuff Roundup Summary Post

Aug 10, 2005 12:09

Besides my sunglasses-related escapades, life is relatively normal at the moment. The bugs in our flat apparently made one final stand on Friday night but haven't been seen since - it may have been the slow-acting bug poison from a few days earlier or it may have been me sealing up an old air vent by the bed with duct tape. Whatever the reason for their disappearance, we've had a few nights now without getting bitten and it's nice. Our Insect Terror Alert system has downgraded from 'discontent' to 'complacent'.

In the wider world though, words from the City of London Police Commissioner this morning: "It is only a matter of time before London's financial heartland is attacked by terrorists... I think it is a matter of when, rather than if. Potential targets include prominent sites and business - anywhere where the maximum damage can be inflicted on the financial systems."
Terroristical Alert State: 'meh.' Have I ever mentioned to you lot that I love you?

Last weekend seemed to drift by within the space of a few minutes. Y's cousin and her husband came over after work on Friday and we had yet another barbecue, during which I got reasonably paralytic. On Saturday evening I went to the Dev for a couple of hours to meet random_goth, fireblade__ and ms_fashtali. They were screening a crusty old 70s horror film that I'd never heard of before and I bumped into a familiar face from Colchester who I'd not seen for a bout five years, then drifted back home again and got some sleep. The crews of the Russian sub and the American space shuttle all made it back to dry land/Earth respectively and everybody lived happily ever after.

Work's not as ridiculously busy as it's been for the last couple of weeks and I'm slowly returning to a rhythm of getting work done on my novel.

terrorism, dev, insects, work

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