Disco Inferno

May 31, 2005 12:28

Another three day weekend gone in about three minutes... It was a good weekend actually. My parents invited myself and Y over for dinner on Friday evening and we ended up staying at their place until Sunday, enjoying an environment free from Kiss FM, god-awful Russian techno and Adrian's hysterical laughter echoing off every wall. I slept a bit better, being in my old childhood bed once again (despite one dream about being pursued through my old school by gun-wielding psychopaths) and I filled up five or six pages of my new, leathery sketchbook with ink drawings*. After a protracted session of drinking coffee and meditating by the fish pond on Saturday evening, I now have the new ending for my novel worked out, so quite a creative (and cheap) bit of time spent. My parents are off on holiday to Ireland for a week in June and we'll be house-sitting for them while they're gone. I can't wait, it's going to be bliss!

I went for lunch with my parents, uncle and grandmother on Sunday, which sucked because the pub's only vegetarian option was a Sunday roast minus the meat (but still served with meat-stock gravy) but also good because I at least had a chance to catch up with my extended family and play with their cats for a bit afterwards.

In the evening I got a message from random_goth that there was another Inferno night in Camden, so off we went again on the spur of the moment. It was a good night - I caught up with darkj, cyberpunkgrrl, Elina and numerous other people who I've not seen for ages, although I can't remember who all of those people were or what I talked to them about because I'd had far too much to drink. I just had a kind of residual feeling the next day of catching up with old faces. I think I danced for a bit but it could have been to the Crazy Frog ringtone for all I know. I didn't make myself ill or do anything totally stupid to the best of my knowledge, so I suppsoe it matters not.

Yesterday I nursed my hangover for a bit and then did work on my writing.

It's not been easy shoe-horning in a new character at such a late stage in the project and it's meant adding to/ammending a large amount of what's already been written, but I think I've finally restored equilibrium to the whole thing again. Not only has the ending changed but the opening now too, as well as numerous events in between having to occur in a different order. Despite all this chaos though, I completed the fifth section of (an expected) seven last night, so I really am within sight of the end at last. More than for any other reason, I just want to make it to the end of the project now, so that I can prove to myself I have enough will to not give up! Barring any unforeseen problems, I should accomplish this some time in late summer.

What do Britons worry about most? According to a survey due to be published on Thursday: 21% said Metric measures of volume, 30% tax, 2% wool, 14% 'yob culture', the whole of Lancashire is terrified of Devon, 42% werewolves and 50% (despite Jon Pertwee being dead) are scared of Wurzel Gummage coming back.

Jacques Chirac was said to be so upset after the weekend's EU 'Non' vote that he shot dead six of his ministers while on a bear hunting trip. He is still armed and was last sighted heading south in a golf buggy.

Singer Alanis Morisette is recovering in hospital after leaping from a second floor balcony, in the belief that she was Superman. Supermanism now affects one in every six Canadians and is still growing.

A memo leaked from the Welsh Assembly hints that the Welsh language is completely made up (based loosely on Elvish) and was introduced in 1962 for an elaborate practical joke.

Finally, I was alerted to this by another journal but I think it deserves the widest appreciation possible - requires sound though.

* Click here if you want to see some of my recent output.

grandmother, parents, inferno, camden, newstexts

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