Lunch thoughts #17

May 13, 2005 12:21

Today's session with the counsellor was the last for a while, as she's fully booked until next month. I'm not entirely sure what to make of the progress made so far - I've discussed some stuff with her that I'd find difficulty telling anybody else, but besides the getting-issues-off-my-chest aspect I don't know if it's going anywhere. I've also begun to notice that we're covering the same ground more and more often. I'm still sleeping fitfully and having occasional bad dreams, so all's still not well in my subconscious.

Well, she isn't a genie or anything and I suppose I'm the only one who can actually change aspects of myself. The councelling can't be doing me any harm and I have nothing to lose by continuing. And if I'm going to withdraw from the world and just hide in a toilet cubicle until the next session, then I suppose Friday 13th is as good a date as any to start? As long as I can borrow a Puzzler magazine or something to read...

counselling, depression

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