Finding a direction

Aug 13, 2012 11:01

Goodbye Olympics
Two weeks ago I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be saying this, but I’m sorry to see The Games finish. I’d been led to expect such massive transport problems that getting to the office would be totally impractical, but all of this proved unfounded and I particularly enjoyed passing through London Bridge each morning and wondering what the actors would be doing today* with their caricatures of British people. I watched most of the closing ceremony last night but gave up and went to bed a little bit before the flame was extinguished. London actually didn’t balls it all up. I feel proud!

Making my video
Saturday morning saw the filming of the more ambitious live-action scenes for my new Non-Bio epic. It’s been quite an experience - I’ve sort of been a director before, but only of myself while I’m animating or fiddling around with other visual software or just wandering about alone with a camera in my hand shooting interestingly pretty or ugly things. This time I’d booked a studio and assembled a cast and camera man so I had to do what a real director does, which was both exciting and terrifying. It did not help that I had a bad cold and my voice kept giving out but I just decided to gesticulate at people a lot and hope for the best.

I reviewed most of the footage at home yesterday and it seems like I hoped it would, but editing this behemoth together and sorting out all the remaining animated effects shots is going to be very hard work indeed.

Lande and I managed to get out to Reptile on Saturday night, as Etienne kindly agreed to babysit. It was fun for a couple of hours, but both of us were succumbing gradually to the same cold and the same lack of sleep (Zach had been hard work for several days due to teething pains). I was going to drink gallons of Red Bull and soldier on (I could go out and party all night for the first time in ages and therefore I would) but the final straw of a migraine broke the camel’s back at around midnight and we decided to sneak out and catch the last train home.

* The best thing I saw them do was on Thursday last week, when they had a ‘late commuter’ mingling with the crowds of real commuters, wearing a smart suit and bowler hat but no trousers (he had Union Flag boxer shorts and sock suspenders on) walking very briskly and looking at his watch. Unfortunately the camera on my ‘smart’ phone kept letting me down every time I wanted to photograph something like this.

clubs, photos, news, music videos, non-bio

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