Back to work

Aug 09, 2009 21:32

I'm all set to go back to work tomorrow. The Tamiflu's all been taken, and I'm now free of most symptoms, although I'm still not bursting with energy and my appetite's not entirely returned. I'd guess I've lost around four or five pounds. But yeah, there's no reason I can see not to be back in the office.

It's been a productive week though, if nothing else... I thought that, if I'm going to spend six days not leaving the flat, I may as well crack on with all my personal projects, and I've made some great progress. Aside from the cartoon, I updated the Newsquelch page yesterday, archived old work to clear a shitload of free space on my hard drive, updated some software, worked on my musical pursuits, spent some 'family time' with the cat, dyed my hair, watched a couple of old movies I'd never got round to seeing... and Lande still hasn't caught the virus! I wish I had an immune system like that.

Having finally started to venture outside again now, I was startled to see someone's dumped a broken old rickshaw outside our back door. What is the meaning of this?? I've never seen one of those driving anywhere near Haringey before, so how did it end up by our building? The council's now aware, so hopefully it'll be gone in a week or so. Oh, dear outside world, how I've missed your weirdness!

health, work

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