Supposedly the most depressing day of the year

Jan 19, 2009 10:58

… personally, I can think of a few upsides to it:
  1. Across the pond, George W Bush is counting down his last few hours in office.
  2. There’s now a ceasefire in Gaza (though surely it has nothing at all to do with the point above).
  3. After a lo-o-o-o-ong month of having no money, payday will be here by the end of the week.

It’s not all good though, admittedly. Thanks to everybody who gave me advice on the tattoo re-design last week; I think I’ve now been able to perfect it with your feedback. I went to get quotes from various tattooists on Saturday afternoon and discovered, to my embarrassment, I still can’t afford to get it right now. So it’s on the back-burner once more.

Tony Hart died. He was one of my childhood art heroes (together with Rolf Harris). I remember my mother taking me to see a live show of some sort that he was doing at a department store in Croydon, when I was very young and he was still a TV personality. I can’t remember much of it, other than he was drawing a massive picture of a giraffe with marker pens and I couldn’t properly see what was going on because it was too crowded, and I had a big crying fit because the free gift bags ran out before I could get one.

My other highlights of the weekend included animating (Hart’s influence again, clearly, even if mine doesn’t involve plasticine) and painting the bathroom ceiling.

Oh, aparently, the BBC New Box is in New York, but they're having GPS problems with it now, so there might be some uncertainty about that.

animation, tattoos, news

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