The nightmarish things before Christmas

Dec 21, 2007 09:52

Now here’s a thing; my parents have been gearing up for the Chrimbo celebrations and, to supplement the existing tree decorations, bought a box full of little wooden thingamajigs from a pound shop. I presume these were all manufactured in a horrible Vietnamese sweatshop, and most of them look quite passable, except for this one which is bloody hideous:

(actual size about 3cm tall)

Pretty scary, huh? What’s it meant to be - presumably a Nativity scene gone a bit wrong. It reminds me of a scene from The Omen IV (which is possibly the worst horror sequel ever).

And here’s something else I snapped on Tuesday, at Holborn Underground station:

Extraordinary. The first must see film… of 1994, I believe. I can remember people talking about Shallow Grave when I was still in school and all the cool kids were boasting that they'd got into the cinema to watch it! Shows how often some tube stations get a good clean!

On a similar note, I did recently get approached by a company who promote artists work by reproducing it on bill posters and sticking them up in vacant advertising spaces on the Underground for a couple of weeks, together with the artist's email address. It sounded tempting, but at about two to three hundred quid a time, it sounds like an ego trip I really can't afford - plus they'd probably put my poster up somewhere crap and I'd have no say in the matter, so that idea's gone in the bin.

painting, photos, weirdness, films

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