Book / Boosh / Dev

Nov 16, 2007 10:52

The book
I can’t help feeling that, if I’d just got a tiny bit more sleep this week, I could actually be over my cold now. True, I feel better than I did last weekend, but I know it’s just a matter of time before another illness is going to stroll in through the revolving door, while my immune system stands by, picking its nose and reading the Daily Sport. This is inevitable, so I shouldn’t waste valuable time worrying about it… I’ve spent every evening this week correcting errors in my manuscript (I’ve managed to find more than a hundred silly mistakes in my previous ‘definitive’ version), formatting things to the right layout for the printers and designing the front and back covers. It’s nearly done now; I just need to sort out a few niggling little issues with page numbering and fonts coming out in bold when they aren’t supposed to. Who’d have thought being my own editorial team would be such hard work?

The Mighty Boosh
I was very excited last night to take a half hour break from my editing and watch the start of the new series on BBC 3 - I tend to watch very little television, so it’s a big deal for me when something I like comes on! I was worried they might have ruined everything, as often happens when sit coms continue past their prime, but I’m glad to see that’s not happened here and it’s just as great as I remembered it.

Til Dev do us part
Like many others yesterday, I logged onto non work-related sites in the office and was saddened to read about the Devonshire Arms getting an unexpected regime change. Apparently Robin & Co. have been booted out (does anybody know what’s happened to them?) and, with immediate effect, it’s no longer a goth pub, it’s being turned into some kind of generic rock/alternative venue. While it could admittedly be turned into worse things*, I still find this annoying. Whenever I visit German cities, it always impresses me that they’ve got big, impressive venues dedicated to the subculture, while the Dev is (or was) the only 7-days-a-week refuge from “Look at this fellow with his long hair, he’s obviously an upstanding member of alternative culture, I think I shall go over and impress him with my knowledge of Bon Jovi and Pearl Jam albums until he sticks forks in his eyes.”

I’ve been drinking there for the last seven years (despite it being ninety minutes from my front door, I weirdly still regard it as my ‘local’) and I expect I’ll continue doing so because there won’t be a better alternative around. But I’m expecting it to be a bit shit now by comparison and wonder if I’ll still see all the same familiar faces there as before**. It would be nice if we lived in a world where market economics don’t rule everything, but unfortunately that world doesn’t exist and, by choosing to associate with a small minority subculture with little monetary clout, I suppose this sort of thing is inevitable.

* Was it last year, or the year before, the brewery were threatening to close it down completely?

** Admittedly, some of these might recognise my face for the wrong reasons.

writing, camden

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