This is the Dawning of the Age of Caduceus

Jun 01, 2004 12:22


Had pizza. Watched Donnie Darko with Y for the first time in ages (and the first time whilst sober enough to have any hope of following the plot).


Wandered into Camden with Y and cyberpunkgrrl to break fast with noodles and Holland and Barrett vegetarian jumbo sos rolls. Whitby tickets still aren't on sale at Resurrection Records, but I remain poised to pounce on them as soon as they have any in stock.

Made it to Sacred Art by four o'clock - Yvonne and Sharon volunteered to wait for me as I went in for my appointment. Xam the tattooist had taken a look at my drawing of Caduceus (see my post from 26th April) and made a few alterations to it during the last few days - apparently I'd packed in a bit too much detail and it wouldn't have quite worked, so we lost the scales on the serpents and some of the futuristic-looking bits on the metal sceptre. I aggreed to go along with his ammended version and it took about an hour and a half in the chair to complete it. The experience really wasn't too bad in the end; I've never had that much of a problem with needles, although I didn't know exactly what to expect and was naturally a bit nervous. It was uncomfortable but after about ten minutes the nerve endings in my arm just kind of went, "mehh, whatever," and gave up so by about half way through it felt more like I was getting a long haircut! He told me afterwards that I need to rub an ointment on it twice daily to help the healing process and the stuff is called Preparation H - which, unfortunately, is a haemhorroid cream. I had to suffer the embarassment of asking in several chemists too before I found any of this stuff - grrrr!

There will be pictures of my tattoo posted, of course. Hopefully by tomorrow.

We all went for a celebratory drink at the Dev when it was all over. When we got back to the flat afterwards, Sharon dressed Yvonne up to look a lot more gothic; which means that hopefully I can persuade her to come out clubbing with me soon; which means that I can finally start clubbing again! In the evening we watched Resident Evil.


Had the journey from hell with Yvonne, getting from Islington to Old Oxted for Mike's barbecue. It honestly almost took the same length of time to get there as it took me to reach Sandra and Tim's place in Berlin!!! Note to self - never use public transport for journeys of more than five centimetres on bank holiday weekends, it really isn't worth it. The barbecue was good eventually though, after everybody else got tired of waiting for us to arrive and drove up to meet us half way. My dad offered to pick up Yvonne and I afterwards, and when he arrived he'd brought my mum in the car as well, so I had an unplanned girlfriend-being-introduced-to-parents moment. Which actually went quite smoothly...


... so smoothly in fact, that Yvonne stayed over with me that night at the family homestead. My parents took us both out yesterday to spend a few hours by the coast, in Cookmere Haven. We sat on the beach for a while and had a pub lunch together. In the evening, after Y went home, I watched Return of the King with my dad.


And so here I am, still at my parent's place, trying to chill out before I have to go and dismantle my art exhibition this evening (yes, in two months I didn't get a single enquiry about my work. Fan-bloody-tastic). My parents still don't know about the tattoo. Which is good. Back to Islington tonight and back to work tomorrow....

mike e, tattoos, parents, camden

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