I am a panda

Oct 16, 2006 13:24

Oh dear god. I looked in the mirror this morning and saw I’ve got such obvious dark rings around my eyes, it’s like I’ve been punched in the face. It was a productive weekend and quite an enjoyable one, I’ll say that about it. As well as scanning in my old college-era comic strips, I did some more work on my animation (it’s going well - I’m glad to say I’m a bit higher up the Flash learning curve now) and managed to get outside for a long, cleansing walk yesterday afternoon while the sun was shining.

I think it was last night’s trip to the Dev which finished me off, though. It was a good evening and I met some nice people, but the only downsides were:
  1. They were playing a DVD of Dave McKean's Mirrormask* on the big screen. I don’t mind it when they show crusty old movies, but this was one I hadn’t yet watched - but have been meaning to see - and I didn’t want my first experience of it being on a screen in a pub without any sound. I had to turn my chair away from it, but even then I kept seeing bits reflected on things.
  2. After about an hour, my brain began closing down and, for some annoying reason, the bits which I need for social interaction are the bits which always stop working first. I got that pop-up message which says “Warning! There is insufficient capacity available for this conversation. Please try closing some other applications (such as standing upright or focusing your eyes) to free up power."

So, umm, sorry about that. Tonight will probably start off with the good intention of going to bed early, but I know better than to believe that by now.

Oh, and I officially gave up reading Ulysses by James Joyce. It saddens me to do that, as I’m pretty tenacious with books, even ones which suck, just in case they might get better towards the end, and this one is widely regarded as the best novel of the last century. However, I got through 250 pages of about 930 and it finally defeated me; it reads like a bloody shopping list! I’ve grudgingly gone back to reading trashy self-help psychology books instead.

* Did I ever tell you the story of how I met Dave McKean? I went to a lecture about the history of illustrated novels at the V&A, around autumn 2000 I think, where he was one of the guest speakers. During the refreshment break half way through, I managed to spill coffee all over myself at the moment I was walking past him and he asked me if I was alright and handed me a paper towel. I sometimes entertain the notion he might have kept the towel afterwards and turned it into an FLA album cover, but probably not.

books, camden

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