Hastily written, bullet-pointed update

Apr 30, 2006 12:30

I've been a bit rushed off my feet with stuff lately. Here's a run-down of things, written with a generally inadequate amount of detail or chronological order:

  • Did some extensive updating work on my website. I also joined another online community for artists and designers in the hope that it might generate some more interest (my listing).
  • Played three games of Risk with Mike E, Chris and ollie. I got my arse thrashed all three times, as I appear to have forgotten how to roll a dice properly.
  • Sold a painting to wispy_beard via eBay, which is fantastic - I met up with him on Carnaby Street on Friday lunchtime to hand it over and quickly down a pint with him in an Irish bar, then run back across London to my office. The last i heard, he wasn't entirely decided which room it's going to be hung in, possibly the living room though. I plan to start some more auctions in the next couple of days.
  • My postcards arrived from the printers - they look wonderful, except for the contact details on the back being upside down. Or the contact details being the right way up and the picture on the front being upside down. One or the other, anyway. After a very lengthy call to their customer service centre in America, there should be a new batch on its way to me, although I don't know if that will be in time for next month's greeting cards trade fair, which was my primary reason for getting them printed in the first place.
  • Y has started her new job at the Fenchurch Street branch of her clothing shop, so we now work less than a mile apart! Due to her weird shift pattern though, we've not travelled to or from central London together yet.
  • We went to The Pit in Hounslow last nigth with random-goth and Jen, which was good fun and, for some inexplicable reason, involved a lot of balloon sculpture. Yesterday was the second anniversary of us meeting, so the trip was also a kind of marking of that occasion.
  • I went for a curry in Croydon on Friday evening with my parents and stayed over at theirs afterwards. Yesterday afternoon we all drove out of suburbia for a bit and got some fresh air in the wilderness, including a visit to an 11th century church with a crudely painted mural on one wall, depicting what hell looks like. Not all that nice, although I personally envisioned it looking more like a crowded Reflex nightclub. My dad's doing some kind of SCUBA diving examination today, to get himself a certificate that he wanted. It's never too late to adopt a strange new hobby!
  • I got a last minute commission by the British Academy on Tuesday night to produce another illustration for them by Friday. I just about winged it, but that one was close. Reasonably pleased with the result though and it's all money in the bank.
  • After almost a month, my Macromedia Studio package still hasn't turned up from America, which is starting to worry me a bit. That's going to need chasing soon... in the meantime, I've devoted a lot of time to learning about Dreamweaver/Flash from books and magazines, so I might at least 'hit the ground running' when it does turn up.

Right, I'm having a shower and then going into Camden for a bit. We're toying with the idea of doing Inferno next Friday, which has a masked ball theme, so now I need to try and find a quality mask retailer. Should be interesting.

paintings, risk, illustration, career advancement, parents

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