Things to do

Apr 11, 2006 12:09

This is more for my own benefit than anybody else’s, but just in case you're particularly bored...

• Complete British Academy illustration - this is a full-page colour picture, so I can charge more for it! Deadline’s the 19th, so need to get my skates on.
• Write short story on the theme of “night” for AC Black’s publishing competition, 2,000 words max, deadline at the end of this month. I’m actually just going to use an idea for something which I planned to write anyway, with a couple of minor modifications.
• Have another go at selling paintings on eBay.
• Get some new business cards printed - I need to research where to get some done cheaply, preferably in a kind of colour postcard-format, to show some of my artwork and also have my website address.
• Re-vamp my portfolio and take it to the big greeting cards trade fair at Earl’s Court on the 21st May. I’ve produced loads of new card designs (mainly for personal use) over the last few years and I ought to show some of the less weird ones to ‘industry people’ in case they might be interested.
• Maybe post a few more samples of my illustration work to newspapers/magazines/agents again, just to reassure myself that nobody’s interested - I’ve not done this for a couple of years now.
• Get on with learning web design. Hopefully the new software will turn up within the next few days and, although there’s no time limit for getting started on this, it’s something I want to do.
• When funds permit, invest a little bit. I’ve been meaning to do this for ages and shouldn’t keep putting it off - I’ve got my eye on the commercial space sector, which is promising to become very big in the next ten to fifteen years.
• Get my eyes lasered -once funds permit, again. Glasses and contact lenses suck arse really - I sat down the other day and thought about just how much money I’ve wasted since my teens on repairing and replacing them! I was accidentally shot in the eye with a party popper at the weekend, but that didn’t seem to cure my myopia. Perhaps a laser will, then.

This list will require some strong coffee.

Random quotation from Alan Partridge: "Actually, being dressed as an exclamation mark did make it noticably easier to hail a cab."

illustration, career advancement, writing

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