Jul 09, 2009 10:56
For crissake, the economy is NOT going to be fixed overnight. President Obama hasn't even been in office for a year and already some people are calling him the worst president ever for not waving a magic wand and automatically fixing the economy (and in some cases, just about everything).
I don't agree with everything he or his administration does, but I think he's doing the best he can with the massive mess we got ourselves into these past 8 years.
And good god, this country has gotten so used to these cowboy, act-first-ask-questions-later, my-way-or-the-highway type presidents that I'm seeing a bunch of comments on CNN calling him a massive wimp. Why, because he decided to stay out of Iran's business and doesn't answer everything with, "nuke 'em"?
This "NOW NOW NOW" mentality is only going to make things worse for us in the long run. Give the President a fucking chance before throwing out the poll numbers! We still have more than three years to go before the next election.
I can't believe my own country sometimes.
i hate humanity,
lol fail,