(no subject)

Aug 06, 2011 15:30

Well, I saw the doctor at the hospital the other day and he says my shoulder is healing well and I need to start moving it more now. He's given me some exercises to do and I have to go back for another check-up next weekend. He said I can go back to school when I feel ready to, but they'll have to write up a note to say I can't take part in P.E or dueling classes for a while.
I think I'll probably try and go back in a few days and see how I do. There hasn't really been much for me to do while I've been at home, so I'd be glad to be able to go back and work on what I can there.
At least while I've been here, I've seen the building the Spirit Foundation is going to be in, starting to be built. It's going to look great when it's finished.

Other than that... hmmn... I was working on writing up something the other week, mostly out of boredom and lack of sleep. I'm unsure if I should post it because I think it lost the meaning of what I was trying to write and became much more of a personal ramble but...

I guess there's been something I've been meaning to write about and I guess with the current situation it kinda reminded me about it.
It's just... something has been bothering me for a really long time, about how we got here and what exactly "here" is. We all just refer to this as the past and where we came from as the future, but the thing is, there are a number of inconsistencies between this past and the future we originally lived in, things that have happened here that never happened there...
The duel spirits, that only I could see back where I was from, are solid here so everyone can see them. When I was back at home, I read a lot about the history of the game and nothing was mentioned about the spirits being solid at any point. Back home, it wasn't as widely accepted that they even existed.
Also, here, there are a different set of signer dragons. The Ancient Fairy from this time, is a different one to mine. The ones here also ruled over by a different dragon. Ours follow the Crimson Dragon, but the ones here are generals of the Five God Dragon.
And just... on top of this, some of the technological advancements with riding duels seem different somehow, than back home. Like they're developing faster. I'm not sure.
In short, there are too many differences and for a while now I've suspected that this is a past alternate from our future. A separate timeline we've been sent to. Though I wonder if our presence here has helped develop some of these changes. Maybe even caused them? Or was it already on this path?
I guess it's easy enough to have the theory of separate timelines. We make a lot of decisions in our life and those decisions decide on where we end up. Someone could have a big interview, and get the job, but they also could so easily be late and not get it, creating two or even more possibilities to what that person chooses to do next.

If Ghost... these duelists who have been attacking us, come from "the future", it could be any one of an endless amount of possible futures, attached to any amount of possible pasts. This past could lead to their future... but it could just as easily branch off elsewhere...
It really is hard to make sense of time theory.

Hmn, the Crimson Dragon sent us here, to this past that's seems to be alternate from our future, but it's never been clear as to exactly why. I asked Ancient Fairy Dragon if she knew the reason, but she said she didn't know, but she doesn't question what the Crimson Dragon chooses to do, because there is reason for it, even if we don't know what it is.
But we've been here for so long, we've had no choice but to make new lives here... and it's difficult and upsetting to think what would happen if we were given the choice to go back one day. We all left people we care about back there... but we now have people we care about right here and most of us... well, somehow, we seem better off, as much as I hate to say...
Back at home, Rua and I were home-schooled through internet classes because I was so sick as a child. Our parents didn't want me attending school in case something bad happened and because of this, Rua had to follow that same fate so he could keep an eye on me. I often felt like I was such a burden to him, he couldn't do a lot of things because of me. Our parents, as much as I love them, were always away on long trips. They called us regularly, but it was never the same as them actually being there... here, we have a lot of people around to support us and we've been given the chance to attend an actual school, to make friends there and to just do what normal kids do.
I've been able to communicate with so many different spirits here, and so much more easily. I've been given the chance to learn about them and that's what I want to do... I want to learn what I can, I want to research their bonds to people, to see what they're capable of together...
...I think back home, that's something I wouldn't really be able to do as easily, if at all.

And it wasn't just those of us who were signers that the Crimson Dragon sent here. There's Rua, Rally, Ushio-san... though I'm thankful it didn't split Rua and I up. No matter what opportunities lay here for me, I would of tried everything in my power to go back to him if it had.
I just wonder a lot about what it all means and why... and if it sent us here for one reason, but it found it couldn't send us back... or maybe it had no intention of ever sending us back at all.

It just seems to me that it's created a confusing and difficult situation for us all, for an very unclear reason. I guess I shouldn't question it, like Ancient Fairy says... but I can't help but feel I should.

crimson dragon, injury, time theory, school, ruka rambles

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