Ruka's Biography (Currently up to Timeskip)

Mar 27, 2030 20:08

NAME: Ruka
AGE: 14 (D.O.B: 24th April)
LIVES: Sakana Apartments, Domino City, Japan (Lives with Yuusei, Aki, Rua and Rally)
SCHOOL: Duel Academy (1st year, Ra Yellow)
DECK: Spirit Deck
SPIRITS: A number of small, low level spirits, but the most notable are: Kuribon, Sunlight Unicorn, Regulus and Ancient Fairy Dragon


Ruka, the youngest of the twins, is very different from her brother, Rua. She is very calm, polite and collected person, she is also seen as being very frail, as she was often sick as a child. Although seen as quite weak, Ruka will stand up and fight when she really needs to.
Ruka is also the one who tends to correct her brother the most, often letting him know when he's wrong about things. Ruka tends to occasionally find her brother's antics annoying, but despite that, she loves her brother with all her heart and sees him as a hero who helps protect her.


Ruka and her twin brother, Rua, came from sometime far in the future, where they originally lived. They lived in the "Tops" area of Neo-Domino city, seemingly on their own. Their parents work away from the home and occasionally kept in contact through e-mail. Because Ruka was often very sickly as a child, the twins were originally home-schooled through computers.

Ruka began dueling at a very young age and was considered a rather talented duelist for the age she was, but when she was only 3 years old, she fell into a coma after a duel and didn't awaken for a whole month.
During this time, her mind had gone to live with the spirits in the Duel Monsters spirit world, where she happily played with the spirits there under the watchful eye of Ancient Fairy Dragon. Before waking up, Ruka promised Ancient Fairy that she would always protect the spirit world, but this promise was too much for the young Ruka and she gradually forgot about it. After her visit to the spirit world, Ruka was now able to communicate with Duel Spirits in her own world.

Years later, when Ruka was 11-years-old, she and Rua were dueling in their home when Ruka was able to sense Yuusei in trouble. The twins went to his aide and took him back to their home while he was unconscious. The twins wondered if he was a bad person, noticing the marker on his face, but Ruka could tell via his deck that he didn't seem to be. Once he woke up, Yuusei attempted to leave as he felt he was putting the twins in danger, but Rua manages to convince him to duel. That night, while the twins are sleeping, Yuusei fixes their duel disks, which were too big for them, and then leaves.

Ruka was invited to attend and take part in the Fortune Cup, being held by Rex Godwin. Unknown to them, it was a ploy to find out who the signers were. Ruka, who didn't like dueling much since she gets very tired after duels, decided not to take part, so Rua dressed up as her to duel in her place, while Ruka sat in the audience in a disguise. Sadly, it was realized that Rua was the one dueling and that Ruka had been in the audience, so later in the tournament, they announce a consolation game, to which Ruka is chosen for it, singling her out in the spotlight.

Ruka is chosen to duel Professor Frank, who manages to hypnotize Ruka in the duel in order to get her to go the Duel Monsters spirit world. Rua is also hypnotized at the same time as he sits in the audience and he passes out. While her mind is in the spirit world, Ruka remembers her promise to Ancient Fairy Dragon and sees how the world is degrading, with Ancient Fairy now sealed into a stone. After this, she decides to uphold her promise to protect the spirit world and manages to draw in her duel with Professor Frank. During this duel, her power as a signer awakens, but it's not until Yuusei and Jack's duel in the Fortune Cup finale where her mark appears permanently on her arm.

During the duel between Jack and Yuusei, the Crimson Dragon appears and shows the Signers the Legend of the People of the Stars and the destruction of Satellite with the spider mark over it. But then something happens... the Crimson Dragon ends up propelling the Signers into the past.
Ruka, separated from the others, was lucky enough to come across some people to help her, including Juudai who helped her get back to Yuusei who he had met previously.
During this time, Duel Spirits had briefly been made visible by Katou Jin and this played havoc on Ruka's health at first, who wasn't used to being around that many spirits, especially solid ones. Thankfully, it's something she has gotten used to and doesn't effect her anymore now that solid spirits are a permanent feature around Japan.
During the first year or so, Ruka was often feeling homesick or worried about whether her and Rua's parents had noticed them missing and if they were wondering where they were.

Ancient Fairy Dragon was still missing at this point, though Ruka could occasionally contact her, but sadly her words were never clear when she spoke. Regulus, Ancient Fairy's servant, was able to find Ruka and eventually they found out that Ancient Fairy was in the hands of a man named Honjou Jin, who had been able to take a cursed needle from Ancient Fairy's previous captor, Zeman the Ape King and was able to un-minus the dragon, who had been dragged back in time along with Ruka. Honjou struck a deal with Ancient Fairy and with that Honjou summoned a small squad of duel monsters to hold off people from getting to Duel Academy island. The twins, with the help of Aki and Yuusei, were able to infiltrate the island and the twins were able to reach Honjou. The two dueled him and Honjou revealed his weapon to stop all evil from destroying the human world. An artificial unstoppable army of angel-like creatures.
The twins ended up winning the duel and Ruka was able to gain possession of Ancient Fairy Dragon.

During the Desdemona plot, Aki began getting the blame for the attacks on the park at the time and despite some people being unsure, Ruka kept her faith in Aki and kept positive that she wasn't to blame, even when she seemingly attacked Isabel and went missing. Eventually both Ruka and Suguru found Aki, who was being manipulated by Desdemona and the two dueled her together to snap her out of it. Although this hospitalized them with minor injuries, Ruka was glad that Aki was back and safe.


As of the timeskip, Ruka and her brother are now 14-years-old and have started their first year in Duel Academy. Ruka did well on both her written and dueling exams and has entered her first year as a Ra Yellow student.
Ruka has grown up from the 11-year-old she once was and is very obviously turning into a young woman. Due to this, she is no longer comforted by the fact that one day they could go back to the same place in time they were taken from as she and Rua have now obviously grown much older than they were back then... although Ruka isn't sure what she would do if she even had the choice to go back now that she's made a life for herself and met so many friends in the current time she's in. These days, she tries not think think about such things and happily carries on with her life as it is. She figures she'll deal with it if and when it happens.
She hates to admit it, but she feels a stronger sense of family from her brother, Yuusei and the others, than she felt from her parents, who hadn't been around her and Rua for a long time. Though she still feels guilty that they maybe causing them to worry.

Ruka wishes to learn more about Duel Spirits and the 12 Dimensions that they come from, as well as learning about what people and Duel Spirits can achieve together, inspired by seeing people and spirits such as Isabel and Enzo, or Juudai and his spirits, who work together to accomplish great things. To achieve this, Juudai has taken her under his wing a little as a sort-of apprentice, and allows her to help him in his quest to connect people and the spirits who have decided to live in the human world, all over Japan. Occasionally Ruka will accompany him to situations outside of Domino City, as long as she has permission from either Aki or Yuusei and it doesn't interfere with her schoolwork.

During the appearance of the Tenors, known only to the residents of Domino City as "Ghost", Ruka was targeted by Lucciano and was forced into a duel with him. Although she fought bravely and hung on to the very end, she was defeated by Lucciano. Thankfully, her duel spirits were able to soften the impact of the last attack by attempting to block it, though eventually the attack got through and hit Ruka. Thanks to her spirits, she escaped the attack with her life, with the only major injury being a fractured shoulder, which was caused by the fall off her duel board.


Ruka is one of the Dragon signers from the future and has the Crimson Dragons front claw on her right arm. Her dragon is Ancient Fairy Dragon.
As with all signers, Ruka can at times sense where another signer is, or when they are dueling, if their marks are active at the time, as they are all connected through them. She can also make a force-field of sorts around people who need protecting if needed.
Her individual power is the ability to communicate with duel spirits. She seems to have a very unique ability to talk to them, her connection to them and their world is very strong.
Ruka is able to visit the Duel Monsters world through her mind, but while doing this, she leaves her comatose body behind.

Ruka has numerous spirits in her deck, most of them rather low-level, that will attempt to protect her if she's in trouble, though the most notable ones are Sunlight Unicorn, Kuribon, Regulus and Ancient Fairy Dragon.


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