well muahhaha! i have returned and i am most likely going to delete all my old entries once i finish this one! i have "this is halloween" stuck in my head. mhm yes. my opendiary is so rainbow now! oh yes. gay pride thass righ! any whoo. this is a shout out to ZizzleP. haha. no. hihi zach attack. im sorry i havent called you back, but as i am at my
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the black stone heart
I wondered this world for a millenia of pure hellish sanctuary. by day the stood right demon gargoyal with blank eyes watching the people of the city in there in there own never bother to notice the creature that protected them. after a century, he gave up the gargoyal spent the rest of his days in that stone shape never to return again. just there with is heart which had grown black and stone.for a century more he stood and a century more. forever damned to this grey purgatory with no one to share his misary.then a day after the city had fallen to ruin and corruption. the goddess apeared.so delicate and powerfull she was. so buetiful and desirable by all none mortal beings. she had loved before but each time it a mortal and it time left in ruin and hate. but as she came down to relive the spirits of the dead who were all damned to eternal damnation. she saw somthing was different. one pure being still lived still had a pure heart after even this hellish was which befell this ancient matropilis. there he stood, the gargoyale. proud and honorable he looked. powerfull but caring he looked. the goddess felt a emotion shed not felt in a mellinia. love and caring. she turned the gargoyale back to his normal state not knowing againts his will. " why "he asked " why have you sent me back to protect the unholy the uncaring and the un passionant.i put myself in this purgatory of isolation with the evil that surronded me". the goddess felt the way of the gargoyale and understood.
" precise being, not in 7 a centuary have i seen a creature more worthy of a second chance. not in and not in a millina have i seen something so beutiful, and not in a millinia have a loved something such as you or any non or mortal." the gargoyale was bathed in the beuty of the goddess. so pure was she that nothing could touch her without dying. and deep in the black heart of the gargoyale he felt the same but still was he bound to evil through the black stone heart." dear goddess never could i touch someting so sacred as you even so i am bound my this evil wicked heart of mine."but still the goddess cared not for she had a remedy." your heart may be as black as a starless night but your soul can still be touched." then at that moment the goddess reached in the soul of the being and unlocked his wicked heart through the good that still remained in his soul. then the gargoyale and the goddess were in eachothers arms but the gargoyale did not die for some how not known to him or to any being mortal or none to this day is known why he did not perish.holding eachother the both whispered togather"i love you." and from that day to the present the gargoyale and the goddess sit with eachother in the others arms and watch the sands of time slip away for nothing matter to them. except there love for each other. and the blackest heart of any gargoyale can be saved by love and so they both sit today till the end of time.
the end
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