In Which I Update About School and Board Gaming

Aug 08, 2009 10:53

Yikes, long time no post. I haven't been thinking about LJ, Facebook or Twitter much lately. I am a bad Internet updater.

Well, the most interesting news is that I'm changing majors. After two years at York as an anthropology major, I am making the transition towards English. I took every English available in high school and always assumed I was going to be an English student at Western until my first year there turned out to be a blow-out, regardless of what major I was thinking about declaring. I left Western, and slummed through London and then, later, Toronto working a variety of retail jobs to give me "direction" and keep a roof over my head. I knew that I could always go back to school, but I never really thought of it as a likely or realistic option. When that opinion changed several years ago, I went back because I wanted to work in a museum: I was still career-oriented (which can be seen as a positive thing, I suppose).

I applied to York, and they said yes. I wanted archaeology, and they said no.

York's anthropology program is almost exclusively social anthropology. I was a little put out by this, but by the end of my first year there, I realized that I'd be happier with the present, activist anthropology. So I continued on in that vein this last year. The strike hit, my motivation was shot and I wasn't satisfied with any of the work I had been doing. I was interested in some of the literature, but I couldn't see myself going any farther than an undergrad with it. I didn't realize it in those terms quite yet, but it was a case where I had no long term goals for anthropology. So, after some intense decision-making a couple of weeks ago, with advice from the English undergraduate director and my family, I decided to change, and return to my roots.
Here I am, excited for school again. I can only construe that as a good thing.
Aside from changes in major, it's pretty much the same old, same old. Still gaming as much as a can. A friend of mine and I are trying to come up with a list of our games that need playing on a more regular basis, slightly heavier ones that require more time than we usually schedule for, including:

War of the Ring, Android, Doom: The Board Game, Marvel Heroes and the always classic Twilight Struggle

It occurs to be only in writing up the list that most of those games are produced by Fantasy Flight, only cementing my status as a FF whore. Go fig.
So now I am currently endeavouring to finish all of the games, books and comics lent to me by friends and family before I add anything else to the pile. Oy. I'm trying not to look at my book-shelves, for fear I'll see something of my own that I have yet to read or play and give it precedence. This is such a ridiculous process.

See you later, space cowboys.

boardgames, books, york

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