(no subject)

May 26, 2009 11:34

I've been eyeballing a pair of graphic novels, but I was wondering if anyone here had heard of them or had read them and could offer testimonials as to their quality before I decide to head down to the comic store later in the week.

Firstly, there's I Kill Giants from Joe Kelly and JM Ken Niimura. Seems to have a wistful coming of age feel within a monster book. Dunno for sure.

Secondly, there's The Surrogates from Robert Venditti and Brett Veldele. Looks like a pretty neat futuristic tale of the quality of life in the face of new powerful forms of technology. There's a movie being made of it staring Bruce Willis and the trailer has me interested.
Pretty much done classes. Have a paper and a take home exam to finish up and hand in by tomorrow afternoon. Then I am freeeeee. This coming week/weekend should be busy, but in a good way. I forgot how fun it is to be busy when it's all good stuff.

comicbooks, movies

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