Got back from seeing
Coraline 3D this evening, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Different from the book (which I recently finished) but not in any way that detracted from the film. (Read: Not like LotR: The Two Towers!) The "Real D" 3D visual was definitely fun, but it's nice that it didn't add anything can't-do-without. If I pick it up on DVD, I won't feel let down for the regular 2D experience. I heartily recommend to one and all.
What was also neat was the trailer for the new Tim Burton film
9. Dunno quite what to expect from it, but for some reason I am totally stoked for it to come out. Clearly I am a cheap date. I'm not a huge Corpse Bride fan, nor am I part of the teeming horde of Nightmare Before Christmas fanboys/girls, but I'll be following this one as it develops.
I am writing this while I should be writing a Roman history paper. Tomorrow is going to be dull as I slog through it, I assure you. I hope and pray that I can get through it all, so I can get that stupid piece of paper and be done with it. I don't really care at this point, save for being Neil Gaiman and Warren Ellis when I grow up.
Lot on my mind lately. It's been a long few months for me and I don't anticipate February really being too much better, but there are some things I still have to deal with. I hope I can finally sort it all out.
See you later, space cowboys.