you have a whole lifetime to think inside the box

Jun 22, 2012 02:32

you have a whole lifetime to think inside the box, 1139 w.
sehun/luhan; pg, au.
he realizes what's in front of him but worries of the impracticality

"could you tell me what's going on here? everything i've ever wanted, all the items in the world; i have everything yet nothing at all and you actually thought i could live like this, even after all this time? do you take me for a fool or am i just a pawn for you to control in my own entirety without a say or utterance?"

as he watched the soap opera on with the volume on low and the captions on, he looked up to the ceiling and caught a glimpse of a fly caught in a spider's web and as the theory of darwinism rang through his mind, it came to him. he knew what to do, what he wanted to do and how he wanted to accomplish it; the only question was how to explain it all to sehun, even through the constant madness in his head, he knew this out be the most foolish, the most idiotic of actions he'll have ever attempted

there was a point in their relationship when luhan wanted to go bungee jumping and in a fortunate course of events, the day went smoothly but it was not until they headed home when the initial madness began. luhan knew there was soemthing wrong with him and the only way to correct himself would be to love sehun, in all his entirety, through-and-through without any sort of questions or assumptions. to their love, nothing was stronger and yet, everything was weaker to the sense that the two of them were only together through the course of love.

it may sound strange, but to the both of them, it was the most natural thing in the world. dates at the beach, horseback riding, hot air balloons overlooking a field as the sun begins to set and the flame from the burner  was what their relationship meant to each other. and in a flash, everything was perfect and nothing hurt, until it hit luhan. not really the horrible truth or the scarring type of lie that can make or break a relationship, but maybe more of a type of punch where reality smacks you right in the face and leaves you breathless for the next few minutes as a sort of to devise the next move on either part.

"i want to sleep inside a coffin."

now this kind of remark would normally not be enough to floor sehun but only due to the fact of luhan's nighttime madness, this caught him by surprise like a pony on a six-year old's birthday. he truly knew everything and anything that made luhan tick, and so he agreed, wholehearted to the fact that luhan had never been one to think inside the box, and this was no exception in it's entirety.

they went coffin shopping but nothing was perfect for luhan other than the satin on the lining of a luxury coffin only a type of mogul would be able to afford. but he didn't get his hopes down because he had sehun by his side and for him, sehun was the only person necessary to make luhan happy and keep him in check at the same.

"i want to tell you something. let's go on a date."



"did you know that i think you're the most perfect thing to ever happen to me?"

"you've been watching more american films haven't you?"

he knew where the conversation would be headed and he gave up the fight only to crack a smile and fall into sehun's chest cavity as they watched the newest episode of their favorite game show. the next few days consisted of luhan finding the perfect bits and pieces to make his coffin. and after a few more days of searching, he found everything from the perfectly inched nails to the right number of lines in the satin for the lining.

"this isn't for me. i need something more. something to make me happy. something to make sehun happy. i want to do something. i need to."

he could begin to feel himself slowly slipping into madness as the times he counted the moon rising and falling came to a close, he founds himself with a fully completed coffin to sleep in as well as die in, which seemed to slip his mind at the time.

the 'whole lifetime to think inside the box' approach scared him at first but only through the encouraging push from sehun was he able to find himself engrossed with the practicality of the entire thing. far from love, he had become enraptured by it and knew this was his madness kicking in.

"join me."

"i'd rather die."

"then would i be the one joining you?"

"without hesitation i hope."

"my love for you is boundless."

after a few more nights of sleeping in the coffin, he finds himself lonely and usually ends up crawling into bed with sehun, akin to a lonesome cat in the depths of the moonlight. they once more sit on the couch together holding hands as they watch a new game show taking the time spot of their old favorite game show and it hits luhan once more, in a fit of restlessness and boundless love for his love of ages, sehun.

"please don't ever leave me, if you do, i don't know how i'll ever manage to pick up the pieces."

"the pieces of your heart or mine?"

"the pieces of the broken vase i'll throw to the wall if that ever happens."

with a chuckle and a soft peck on the cheek, luhan smiles at the fact that sehun would be the only person to understand him and his madness and he ponders if he'll ever be able to think inside the box.

"don't. i love you just the way you are, box, rectangle, triangle, polygon, i think you're my skinny love."

"and what does that mean?"

"i love you right down to your core of madness and you love me right down to my core of love for you and you only."

luhan smiles as sehun gets up and walks over to the kitchen.

"do you want a coffee?"

"what do you take me for, a fool?"

sehun turns his back as he grins and luhan looks at the television with the glare of the color contrast shining on the window of the adjacent wall.

"i guess i'm the fool for knowing what kind of face you're making without even looking."

"i'm a fool for you."

and they burst out laughing as the night ends and madness of another new begins anew, much to sehun's satisfaction and everything falls perfectly into place as sehun knows he'll have a lifetime to love outside the box with the only person he could see himself with, a love right down to the core.

! entry: public, genre: comedy, fandom: exo, length: oneshot, rating: pg, genre: romance

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